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Becoming a volunteer in South America is an exciting and rewarding experience that will change your life. Prepare before you travel by researching each of the Latin American countries that you are interested in doing volunteer work in. Some specialize in certain types of volunteer jobs more so than others so it is important to be informed.

Ser voluntario en una guardería para niños en Bolivia (parte I)

Tuesday June 03, 2014 - Posted by
Volunteer at a Day Care for Kids in Bolivia

Muchos viajeros se preguntan cómo pueden mejorar su español en América Latina, aprender sobre la cultura latinoamericana y hacer algo útil al mismo tiempo. Nuestra organización Volunteer Work Latino américa – una marca de Viajes Dos Manos – tiene la respuesta : ofrecemos puestos de voluntariado en toda América del Sur, por ejemplo, en este centro de cuidado infantil en Bolivia .

El centro está situado en un hermoso lugar a unos 15 km. de la ciudad de La Paz, rodeado por las montañas de los Andes, en un valle semi – rural. Una de los fundadoras de este proyecto es Emma. Le hicimos una pequeña entrevista acerca de su proyecto, que ella cariñosamente llama “el Vivero” . El proyecto ha tenido un impacto verdaderamente significativo en la mayoría de la población indígena. Los impactos incluyen el haber ayudado a la gente a salir de la exclusión social , económica y política , y otras situaciones muy vulnerables. A continuación lea las respuestas de Emma a nuestras preguntas sobre el proyecto de voluntariado y la importancia de los voluntarios para este proyecto en Bolivia .

03 Jun

Volunteer at a Day Care for Kids in Bolivia (part I)

Monday June 02, 2014 - Posted by
Volunteer at a Day Care for Kids in Bolivia

Many travelers wonder how they can improve their Spanish in Latin America, learn about the Latinamerican culture and do something useful at the same time. Our organization Volunteer Work Latin America – a brand of Dos Manos Travel – has the answer: we offer volunteer placements all over South America, for instance, in this child care center in Bolivia.

The center is situated in a beautiful location at approximately 15 km. from the city of La Paz, surrounded by the Andean mountains, in a semi-rural valley. One of the founders of this project is Emma. We asked hare some questions about her project, that she affectionately calls ‘’the Nursery’’. The project has had a truly meaningful impact on the majority of the indigenous population. The impacts include pulling the people out of the social, economic and political exclusion, and very vulnerable situations. Below you will read Emma’s answers to our questions about the volunteer project and the importance of the volunteers for this project in Bolivia.

02 Jun

Quito: the city of the eternal spring

Wednesday May 28, 2014 - Posted by
Quito: the city of the eteral spring

Because Quito – the capital of Ecuador – is located so close to the equator, there is a perfect climate of around 20°C all year round, and it feels like it is always spring. The city of Quito, located at an altitude of 2,850 meters is surrounded Andean snowcapped mountains, by the volcano Pichincha and, on the other side, by beautiful beaches.

28 May

Quito : La ciudad de la eterna primavera

Wednesday May 28, 2014 - Posted by
Quito: the city of the eteral spring

Debido a que Quito- la capital de Ecuador – se encuentra tan cerca de la línea ecuatorial, tiene un clima perfecto, alrededor de 20 ° C, se siente como si fuese primavera todo el año. La ciudad de Quito , situada a una altitud de 2.850 metros está rodeada de montañas nevadas, por el volcán Pichincha y , por otro lado , de hermosas playas.

28 May

Volunteer work in Medellin Colombia

Tuesday November 19, 2013 - Posted by
Volunteer Work in Medellin Colombia

Medellin: the most innovative city in the world

Medellin is the second biggest city in Colombia and back in the 90’s it used to have the reputation as the most violent city in the world, due to the activity of the drug cartel of Pablo Escobar. But now things are different and Medellin has been named now ‘the most innovative city in the world’, due to the dramatic transformations in modern history, the political environment and a network of public parks, transportation, schools, libraries and museums. Now Medellin is a lovely place to visit. It is safe, bright, full of amazingly friendly people and cosmopolitan as cities as Santiago, or Buenos Aires.

However, despite the progress and as in any other big Latin American city, there are still many children affected by addiction, poverty, or violence.


19 Nov

Experiencia de Voluntariado en Cusco (Perú)

Monday November 04, 2013 - Posted by
Volunteer in Cusco Peru

Dentro de la ciudad del Cusco, un orfanato para niñas fue fundado hace 50 años, en 1963. Este orfanato, ofrece un lugar seguro para las niñas de familias desestructuradas, cuyos padres, o bien han muerto, o los abandonaron , al menos en la mayoría de los casos. Algunas niñas también han sido víctimas de abuso sexual. En este momento, noviembre 2013, el edificio alberga 42 niñas, entre 5 a 15 años de edad y ellas son felices gracias a la ayuda de los voluntarios.

Uno de ellos es Molly Stark, comenzó su experiencia como voluntaria aquí hace un par de semanas. Ella vive en el centro de la ciudad de Cusco, en una residencia de estudiantes voluntarios y estudiantes españoles, viaja todos los días en el autobús local a unos 30 minutos a través de la pintoresca ciudad de Cusco para llegar al orfanato. Donde se la pasa jugando y ayudando a la niñas con sus tareas durante varias horas. Algunas necesitan ayuda con sus tareas de Inglés, otra, las más pequeñas, siguen luchando por aprender el alfabeto .


04 Nov

Volunteer Experience in Cusco (Peru)

Monday November 04, 2013 - Posted by
Volunteer in Cusco Peru

Within the city of Cusco an orphanage for girls was founded 50 years ago, back in 1963!

This orphanage still provides a safe place for girls from broken families, whose parents have either died, or abandoned them, at least in most of the cases. Some girls have also been sexually abused. At this moment, in november 2013, the building houses 42 girls, between 5-15 years old and is happy with the helping hands of volunteers.

One of them is Molly Stark; she started her volunteer experience here a couple of weeks ago! She’s living in the city center of Cusco, in a student residence for volunteers and Spanish students and she travels daily with the local bus about 30 minutes through the scenic city of Cusco to make it to the orphanage, where she will be playing and helping the girls with their homework for several hours. Some need help with their English home work; others, the smaller ones, are still struggling with the alphabet.


04 Nov

Volunteer Work at a Clinic for Disabled Children

Thursday October 31, 2013 - Posted by
Volunteer work at Clinic

In January/February 2011 I worked at a clinic for mentally and physical disabled children. In my first weeks I took care of the patients (which I now call friends) by brushing their teeth, changing their clothes, entertaining or feeding them. As most of them suffer from severe handicaps I was really unsure if I was going to handle my work well. After my first day of work I realized that I really did not have any “problems” working with the kids; I did not even see their disabilities any longer. We really had the same goal: being happy and laughing as much as we could. Their joy struck me and opened my eyes and attitude towards certain issues.

31 Oct

¡Prepárate para tu voluntariado en Latin America!

Friday October 04, 2013 - Posted by
Volunteer Work in Latin America

Si has decidido profundizar en las opciones para hacer trabajo voluntario en América Latina, esta es una gran oportunidad para devolverte en las sociedades latinoamericanas locales donde viajarás.

Es importante, sin embargo, que te des cuenta que requieres un poco de preparación y, una vez allí, un poco de esfuerzo y dedicación para sacar el máximo provecho de tu experiencia en el voluntariado.

Hemos preparado una serie de consejos importantes con los cuales te podrás prepara para el trabajo voluntario en América Latina.

  • Se realista sobre lo que puedes lograr. No serás capaz de mover el mundo, pero muchos voluntarios en diferentes proyectos y diferentes países andinos, son capaces de hacer la diferencia. ¡La actitud es muy importante!
  • (more…)

04 Oct

How to prepare for volunteer work in Latin America

Friday October 04, 2013 - Posted by
Volunteer Work in Latin America

If you have decided to look further into options to do Volunteer Work in Latin America, this is a great opportunity to give back to the local Latinamerican societies where you are travelling.

It’s important, however, you realize it does require a bit of preparation and, once you are there, a bit of effort  and dedication to make the most our of your volunteer experience.

We have prepared a few important tips to prepare for Volunteer Work in Latin America  for you that might help you.

  • Be realistic about what you can achieve. You won’t be able to move the world. But many different volunteers at different projects and in  countries, are able to make a difference. You’re attitude is extremely important.
  • (more…)

04 Oct
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